
Posted On: 20 Feb 2024

Snapchat safety advice for parents

Snapchat is widely used by most young people. Snaps are designed to be viewed for a few seconds and deleted by default, and if someone screenshots the image then the sender can see this. However, the Middlesbrough Digital Networking Group have been working recently with services where several work arounds have been detected. This means people can take a screen shot of something on snapchat without the sender being aware.
Please discuss the safe use of snapchat with your child; the key message is that NOTHING YOU SEND ON SNAPCHAT IS PRIVATE. They should always think before they send.
You can always report abuse on Snapchat, including harassment, bullying or any other safety concern. If someone is making you uncomfortable, you can also block that Snapchatter and leave any group chat. To report a Snap, press and hold on a Snap or Story and then tap the “Report Snap” button.
Report - Remove can help support young people report and remove sexualised images or videos shared on social media, simply scan the below code and follow the reporting mechanism to make a report

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