
Posted On: 15 May 2024

SHAPE points reminder

SHAPE points are a big deal in the Academy so here is a reminder what they are all about.
Children earn 5 SHAPE points each lesson apart from Friday 5 (rewards time), so that is 120 a week. SHAPE points are allocated on a highly individual basis.
We will text you each Friday if your child achieves platinum points (110-120) or gold points (90-109).
S stands for being SAFE. This means making choices that keep yourself and other safe, for example sitting on a chair/wobble stool properly.
H stands for being HEALTHY. This means promoting positive wellbeing of everyone, for example not calling other people names.
A stands for ATTENDANCE. This means entering the learning space and staying there. Some children may remain for a short time and get this point, but for most they need to stay in the classroom for the whole lesson.
P stands for making PROGRESS. This means having a go at activities and joining in with the lesson. It doesn't mean getting everything correct because that is not what learning looks like.
E stands for EMPLOYABILITY. If you'd get sacked for it, it is not employable behaviour. This means a wide range of behaviours including using school appropriate language and not swearing, and keeping discussion to appropriate subjects.
Achieving lots of SHAPE points means pupils are rewarded with tuck shop credit, first pick for rewards Friday, and can access the games room at break and lunch. Having a positive text sent home is the best reward though as parents support the system and reward children at home too.
Hollis Academy
Saltersgill Avenue

Tel: (01642) 855010


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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