Hollis 100

Hollis 100
Personal development is at the heart of our curriculum. In addition to the usual academic lessons, we plan for every opportunity to support children in learning about the world they live in and how to participate.
The Hollis 100 is 100 activities we would like all young people to complete during their time with us. Some children might have done the activity at home already, but we find doing the same thing with a peer group always offers additional opportunities to learn.
The Hollis 100 is split into 4 categories.     
1 - Developing life skills
These incoprporate some of the 'life stuff' everyone needs to know. From tieing a shoe lace, to telling the time, these skills are hard to pick up and make a big difference when they have been mastered. Other skills such as using a bus timetable or cooking a breakfast require more focus, and can make just as big difference to young peoples lives.
2 - Building cultural capital
We are so lucky to live in a part of the world with a rich history and culture. We want children to feel proud of their Northern heritage and so visits to Durham cathedral , a castle and Hadrian's wall are a must. We explore different faith settings such a mosque and a church. And we find out more about our local heritage with visits to the cenotaph, Beamish and museums. We also tap into our wide and wonderful landscape visiting beaches, Rosebery topping and the Angel of the North.
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3 - Building social capital

Belonging to our school community and feeling valued ensures young people make positive   contributions. Children also need to know how the world works, and by taking part in activities such as student council and a school vote, they learn a bit more about how our society works. Participating in cultural celebrations such as Diwali, Christmas and Bonfire night build an awareness of national and religious days of celebration. Joining in full school community events such as Children in Need and Remembrance day ensure that everyone knows they can make a difference.

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4 - Developing outdoors and resilience skills
Taking part in activities out of school can be daunting. Some activities are designed to support developing friendships and the social norms in playing together; activities such as building a dam, sledging and catching a crab help child to interact positively with each other. Other activities are designed to build resilience and help children feel a sense of achievement; activities such as canoeing, a 5-mile hike or rock climbing are examples of these. Visiting lambs and observing a bird of prey help children see the beauty of nature and capture a bit of awe and wander.

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View/Download the student checklist <HERE>
View/Download the Hollis 100 poster <HERE>
Hollis Academy
Saltersgill Avenue

Email: hollis@horizonstrust.org.uk
Tel: (01642) 855010


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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